
Please note these forums are mostly a testing ground for my SMF work and I don't really use them otherwise.

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Started by SleePy, Jul 08, 2011, 03:34 AM

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dragonfly9_to_smf.sql:723:    if (substr($oldAttachmentDir, 0, 2) == '..')
eblah_to_smf.php:70:          if (empty($line) || substr($line, 0, 1) == '#')
eblah_to_smf.php:823:                elseif (substr(trim($parts[0]), 0, 8) == 'AllRead_' && isset($boards[substr(trim($parts[0]), 8)]))
phpnuke_to_smf.sql:902:    if (substr($oldAttachmentDir, 0, 2) == '..')
vbulletin35_to_smf.sql:309:       if (substr($row2['value'], 0, 2) == './')
vbulletin35_to_smf.sql:405:       if (substr($row2['value'], 0, 2) == './')
vbulletin36_to_smf.sql:449:       if (substr($row2['value'], 0, 2) == './')
vbulletin36_to_smf.sql:538:       if (substr($row2['value'], 0, 2) == './')
vbulletin37_to_smf.sql:459:       if (substr($row2['value'], 0, 2) == './')
vbulletin37_to_smf.sql:548:       if (substr($row2['value'], 0, 2) == './')
vbulletin3_to_smf.sql:308:       if (substr($row2['value'], 0, 2) == './')
vbulletin3_to_smf.sql:375:       if (substr($row2['value'], 0, 2) == './')
vbulletin40_to_smf.sql:461:       if (substr($row2['value'], 0, 2) == './')
vbulletin40_to_smf.sql:551:       if (substr($row2['value'], 0, 2) == './')
vbulletin41_to_smf.sql:463:       if (substr($row2['value'], 0, 2) == './')
vbulletin41_to_smf.sql:553:       if (substr($row2['value'], 0, 2) == './')
yabb21_to_smf.php:71:          if (empty($line) || substr($line, 0, 1) == '#')
yabb21_to_smf.php:84:          if (substr($yabb[$path], 0, 9) == '$boarddir')
yabb21_to_smf.php:91:          if (empty($line) || substr($line, 0, 1) == '#')
yabb22_to_smf.php:71:          if (empty($line) || substr($line, 0, 1) == '#')
yabb22_to_smf.php:84:          if (substr($yabb[$path], 0, 9) == '$boarddir')
yabb22_to_smf.php:91:          if (empty($line) || substr($line, 0, 1) == '#')
yabb2_to_smf.php:73:          if (empty($line) || substr($line, 0, 1) == '#')
yabb2_to_smf.php:88:          if (empty($line) || substr($line, 0, 1) == '#')
yabb_to_smf.php:68:          if (empty($line) || substr($line, 0, 1) == '#')
install.php:280:          if (substr($entry, 0, 8) == 'Install.' && substr($entry, -4) == '.php')
install.php:464:    elseif (@ini_get('session.save_path') == '/tmp' && substr(__FILE__, 1, 2) == ':\\')
install.php:562:    if ($failure && substr(__FILE__, 1, 2) == ':\\')
install.php:776:       if (!updateSettingsFile($vars) && substr(__FILE__, 1, 2) == ':\\')
install.php:936:       if (!updateSettingsFile($vars) && substr(__FILE__, 1, 2) == ':\\')
install.php:1028:       if (substr($key, 0, 8) == 'default_')
install.php:1135:       $localCookies = isset($matches[3]) && strlen($matches[3]) > 3 && (substr($matches[3], 0, 2) == '/~' || strpos(substr($matches[3], 1), '/') !== false);
install.php:1563:       if (substr($ftp_server, 0, 6) == 'ftp://')
install.php:1565:       elseif (substr($ftp_server, 0, 7) == 'ftps://')
install.php:1567:       if (substr($ftp_server, 0, 7) == 'http://')
install.php:1806:          if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '*' && substr($listing[$i], -(strlen($file) - 1)) == substr($file, 1))
install.php:1852:          elseif (substr($filesystem_path, 0, 9) == '/var/www/')
updateDatabase.php:100:    if (substr($old_version, 0, 3) == '1.0')
updateDatabase.php:102:    elseif (substr($old_version, 0, 3) == '1.1')
updateDatabase.php:104:    elseif (substr($old_version, 0, 3) == '2.0')
create_backup.php:811:       if (substr($ftp_server, 0, 6) == 'ftp://')
create_backup.php:813:       elseif (substr($ftp_server, 0, 7) == 'ftps://')
create_backup.php:815:       if (substr($ftp_server, 0, 7) == 'http://')
create_backup.php:1054:          if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '*' && substr($listing[$i], -(strlen($file) - 1)) == substr($file, 1))
create_backup.php:1100:          elseif (substr($filesystem_path, 0, 9) == '/var/www/')
repair.php:49:    if (substr(trim($string), 0, 6) == 'SELECT')
repair_settings.php:295:       if (substr($settingsArray[$i], 0, 1) == '$')
repair_settings.php:616:       if (substr($settingsArray[$i], 0, 1) == '$' && preg_match('~^[$]([a-zA-Z_]+)\s*=\s*(["\'])?(.*?)(?:\\2)?;~', $settingsArray[$i], $match) == 1)
restore_backup.php:529:       if (substr($data, 0, 2) == 'PK')
restore_backup.php:717:       elseif (substr(trim($settingsArray[$i]), -16) == '/install.php\');' && substr(trim($settingsArray[$i]), 0, 26) == 'header(\'Location: http://\'')
smf_api.php:737:          $themeData[$row['id_member']][$row['variable']] = substr($row['variable'], 0, 5) == 'show_' ? $row['value'] == '1' : $row['value'];
smfinfo.php:1752:    if (substr($forum_version, 0, 2) == '1.')
webinstall.php:582:    if (substr(__FILE__, 1, 2) == ':\\')
webinstall.php:1525:       if (substr($ftp_server, 0, 6) == 'ftp://')
webinstall.php:1527:       elseif (substr($ftp_server, 0, 7) == 'ftps://')
webinstall.php:1529:       if (substr($ftp_server, 0, 7) == 'http://')
webinstall.php:1774:          if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '*' && substr($listing[$i], -(strlen($file) - 1)) == substr($file, 1))
webinstall.php:1813:          elseif (substr($filesystem_path, 0, 9) == '/var/www/')
upgrade.php:230:          if (substr($ftp_server, 0, 6) == 'ftp://')
upgrade.php:232:          elseif (substr($ftp_server, 0, 7) == 'ftps://')
upgrade.php:234:          if (substr($ftp_server, 0, 7) == 'http://')
upgrade.php:473:             if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '*' && substr($listing[$i], -(strlen($file) - 1)) == substr($file, 1))
upgrade.php:519:             elseif (substr($filesystem_path, 0, 9) == '/var/www/')
upgrade.php:1305:    if (substr($boarddir, 0, 1) == '.')
upgrade.php:1308:    if (substr($sourcedir, 0, 1) == '.')
upgrade.php:1311:    if (empty($cachedir) || substr($cachedir, 0, 1) == '.')
upgrade.php:2106:       if (substr($settingsArray[$i], 0, 1) == '$')
upgrade.php:2580:       elseif ($mysql_errno == 1050 && substr(trim($string), 0, 12) == 'RENAME TABLE')
upgrade.php:3164:    if ($failure && substr(__FILE__, 1, 2) == ':\\')
upgrade.php:3231:             if (substr($ftp_root, -1) == '/' && ($upcontext['chmod']['path'] == '' || substr($upcontext['chmod']['path'], 0, 1) == '/'))
upgrade_1-0.sql:607: if (empty($modSettings['smfVersion']) || (substr($modSettings['smfVersion'], 0, 9) == '1.0 Beta ' && $modSettings['smfVersion'][9] <= 5))
upgrade_1-0.sql:1343:       if (substr($row['setting'], 0, 5) == 'match')
Admin.php:831:                'url' => (substr($item[1], 0, 4) == 'area' ? $scripturl . '?action=admin;' . $item[1] : $item[1]) . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] . ((substr($item[1], 0, 4) == 'area' && $section == 'settings' ? '#' . $item[0][0] : '')),
Admin.php:831:                'url' => (substr($item[1], 0, 4) == 'area' ? $scripturl . '?action=admin;' . $item[1] : $item[1]) . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] . ((substr($item[1], 0, 4) == 'area' && $section == 'settings' ? '#' . $item[0][0] : '')),
Admin.php:1098:                if (substr($k, 0, 2) == 'on')
Class-Package.php:141:          elseif (substr($el, 0, 1) == '@')
Class-Package.php:208:          elseif (substr($el, 0, 1) == '@')
Class-Package.php:509:          if (substr($k, 0, 1) == '@')
Class-Package.php:719:       if (substr($ftp_server, 0, 6) == 'ftp://')
Class-Package.php:721:       elseif (substr($ftp_server, 0, 7) == 'ftps://')
Class-Package.php:723:       if (substr($ftp_server, 0, 7) == 'http://')
Class-Package.php:826:       while ((strlen($this->last_message) < 4 || substr($this->last_message, 0, 1) == ' ' || substr($this->last_message, 3, 1) != ' ') && time() - $time < 5);
Class-Package.php:1011:          elseif (substr($filesystem_path, 0, 9) == '/var/www/')
DbPackages-mysql.php:537:          'table_name' => substr($table_name, 0, 1) == '`' ? $table_name : '`' . $table_name . '`',
DbPackages-mysql.php:604:          'table_name' => substr($table_name, 0, 1) == '`' ? $table_name : '`' . $table_name . '`',
Display.php:196:       if (substr($_REQUEST['start'], 0, 4) == 'from')
Display.php:226:       elseif (substr($_REQUEST['start'], 0, 3) == 'msg')
Help.php:89:    if (isset($_GET['help']) && substr($_GET['help'], 0, 14) == 'permissionhelp')
Load.php:1306:             $themeData[$row['id_member']][$row['variable']] = substr($row['variable'], 0, 5) == 'show_' ? $row['value'] == '1' : $row['value'];
Load.php:1715:       if (substr($template_name, 0, 5) == 'index' && !function_exists('template_button_strip'))
Load.php:2202:                   echo substr($data2[$line], 0, 2) == '</' ? preg_replace('~^</[^>]+>~', '', $data2[$line]) : $last_line . $data2[$line];
Logging.php:312:          $is_select = substr(trim($qq['q']), 0, 6) == 'SELECT' || preg_match('~^INSERT(?: IGNORE)? INTO \w+(?:\s+\([^)]+\))?\s+SELECT .+$~s', trim($qq['q'])) != 0;
ManageErrors.php:128:             'html' => htmlspecialchars((substr($row['url'], 0, 1) == '?' ? $scripturl : '') . $row['url']),
ManageErrors.php:209:          $context['filter']['value']['html'] = '\'' . strtr(htmlspecialchars((substr($filter['value']['sql'], 0, 1) == '?' ? $scripturl : '') . $filter['value']['sql']), array('\_' => '_')) . '\'';
ManageLanguages.php:293:          if (substr($dirname, 0, 6) == 'Themes' && preg_match('~Themes[\\/]([^\\/]+)[\\/]~', $dirname, $match))
ManageNews.php:70:    if (substr($_REQUEST['sa'], 0, 7) == 'mailing')
ManageSettings.php:1662:             'regex' => substr($row['mask'], 0, 5) == 'regex' ? substr($row['mask'], 5) : '',
Memberlist.php:478:          if (substr($field, 0, 5) == 'cust_' && isset($context['custom_search_fields'][$curField]))
Modlog.php:146:          if (substr($key, 0, 10) == 'modlog_ac_' && strpos($text, $search_params['string']) !== false)
PersonalMessage.php:2359:          if (substr($action, 0, 4) == 'add_')
PersonalMessage.php:2364:          elseif (substr($action, 0, 4) == 'rem_')
Profile-Modify.php:1223:             elseif (substr($row['mask'], 0, 5) == 'regex' && preg_match(substr($row['mask'], 5), $value) === 0)
Register.php:421:             elseif (substr($row['mask'], 0, 5) == 'regex' && preg_match(substr($row['mask'], 5), $value) === 0)
Reports.php:882:          if (substr($key, 0, 5) == '#sep#')
Reports.php:894:          if (substr($key, 0, 5) == '#sep#')
Subs-Admin.php:289:       if (substr(trim($settingsArray[$i]), 0, 2) == '?' . '>')
Subs-Attachment.php:381:          $is_not = substr($real_type, 0, 4) == 'not_';
Subs-Editor.php:840:             elseif (substr($href, 0, 7) == 'mailto:')
Subs-Graphics.php:193:    if ($fp_destination && substr($source, 0, 7) == 'http://')
Subs-Mail.php:429:       if (!$socket && (substr($modSettings['smtp_host'], 0, 5) == 'smtp.' || substr($modSettings['smtp_host'], 0, 11) == 'ssl://smtp.'))
Subs-Mail.php:429:       if (!$socket && (substr($modSettings['smtp_host'], 0, 5) == 'smtp.' || substr($modSettings['smtp_host'], 0, 11) == 'ssl://smtp.'))
Subs-Mail.php:449:       if (substr($modSettings['smtp_host'], 0, 4) == 'ssl:' && (empty($modSettings['smtp_port']) || $modSettings['smtp_port'] == 25))
Subs-Membergroups.php:748:    if (substr($sort, 0, 1) == '1' || strpos($sort, ', 1') !== false)
Subs-Package.php:167:    if (substr($gzfilename, 0, 7) == 'http://')
Subs-Package.php:207:       if (substr($data, 0, 2) == 'PK')
Subs-Package.php:778:             if (substr($ftp_root, -1) == '/' && ($_POST['ftp_path'] == '' || substr($_POST['ftp_path'], 0, 1) == '/'))
Subs-Package.php:1036:          if (substr($ftp_root, -1) == '/' && ($_POST['ftp_path'] == '' || substr($_POST['ftp_path'], 0, 1) == '/'))
Subs-Package.php:1208:       if (substr($actionType, 0, 4) == 'move' || substr($actionType, 0, 7) == 'require')
Subs-Package.php:1208:       if (substr($actionType, 0, 4) == 'move' || substr($actionType, 0, 7) == 'require')
Subs-Post.php:48:    while (substr($message, 0, 8) == '[/quote]')
Subs-Post.php:467:          if (substr($replace, 0, 1) == '/')
Subs-Post.php:469:          elseif (substr($replace, 0, 1) == '?')
Subs-Post.php:471:          elseif (substr($replace, 0, 1) == '#' && $embeddedUrl)
Subscriptions-PayPal.php:226:       if (substr($_POST['txn_type'], 0, 14) == 'subscr_payment')
Themes.php:1777:          if (substr($_GET['directory'], 0, 1) == '.')
Themes.php:1814:       if (substr($_REQUEST['filename'], 0, 1) == '.')
Themes.php:1926:          if (isset($file_data[$i + 1]) && substr($file_data[$i + 1], 0, 9) == 'function ')
Themes.php:1975:       if (substr($entry, 0, 1) == '.' || $entry == 'CVS')
ViewQuery.php:98:       $is_select_query = substr(trim($query_data['q']), 0, 6) == 'SELECT';
SSI.php:58: if (substr($sourcedir, 0, 1) == '.' && substr($sourcedir, 1, 1) != '.')
Admin.template.php:1221:                            <option value="regex"', substr($context['field']['mask'], 0, 5) == 'regex' ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $txt['custom_edit_mask_regex'], '</option>
No siggy! :D