SMF Package Manager Generator

Originally I had wrote my original SMF Package Manager Generator a few years ago. It was sloppy coding, poor JavaScript and relied heavily on the server. Not my absolute best work, but was something I was proud on at the time from my efforts to dive into JavaScripting.

However, todays times are different. So with JQuery out there, I decided to take breaks from my projects for a couple hours for a few days and put forth a effort to rewrite this. Needless to say, I had the initial code wrote in only a few hours. My original script took me a few days alone. That didn’t count the package-info creator I made later which also took a while.

The new script attempts to rely all on JavaScripting via JQuery. It was a fun experience to build it this way. Although, because of JavaScript’s security measures, I couldn’t leave downloading the file outside of the server. So alas, I still have to process the actual download via the server. There is a work around with using Data URIs, however it didn’t provide the filename and sounds a bit flaky when the length of the url gets to be a bit long. I included both as a option though.

Oh and Its on github, because I see no reason to not share the code. Including the code I used to integrate it into my WordPress blog.

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